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Case Studyon
Hahn Super Dry
Hahn sought to grow and increase sales and consumption of Hahn beer and elevate Hahn as the preferred choice of beer among drinkers.
The campaign objective
To grow and increase sales and consumption of Hahn beer and elevate Hahn as the preferred choice of beer among drinkers.
Campaign timing:
3 months
Active Markets:
People 18 – 65
The oOh! Solution
Effectively reach Hahn’s target audience of 18 to 65 years through strategic placements in high traffic areas on our Road, Retail, and Street Furniture environments.
What did the brand uplift data tell us?
The Hahn Super Dry campaign delivered impressive results, with strong overall recall and particularly high engagement among younger men
Post-exposure action exceeded the norm by 19%, and 29% of respondents either added Hahn Super Dry to their shopping list or made a purchase, aligning perfectly with Hahn’s sales objectives. Furthermore, there was a notable 111% increase in recommendations from those who recalled the campaign.