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Case Studyon
Dan Murphy’s
Dan Murphy’s sought to build awareness of the Dan’s Daily website and content among office workers. Drive visibility, conversation, and consideration of both Dan’s Daily, and Dan Murphy’s products.
The campaign objective
To build awareness of the Dan’s Daily website and content among office workers. Drive visibility, conversation, and consideration of both Dan’s Daily, and Dan Murphy’s products.
Campaign timing:
2 months
Active Markets:
Office Workers
The oOh! Solution
Engage and invite the working professional Dan’s Daily audience in metro markets to view content on the Dan’s Daily website, utilising our office and street environments.
What did the brand uplift data tell us?
After exposure to Dan’s Daily, 46% of those impacted felt more positively about Dan Murphy’s, and found that the campaign was eye-catching, and stood out from other ads.
Dan’s Daily campaign achieved strong results, with high receptivity among those 40+, and above the norm recall of middle management workers, at 40%.