oOh!media and its creative and innovation hub, POLY, have taken ANZ’s iconic Falcon® campaign to new heights with multiple innovative Out of Home executions.
With 41% of return on investment in OOH attributed to creative, three executions utilising best practice creative principles of contextual relevance and personalisation, alongside full-motion 3D and AI technologies, delivered unmatched impact at scale.
RailTimed with CyberSecurity Awareness Month, the Falcon® took flight with Australia’s largest ever 3D Out of Home campaign, running across more than 2,100 full motion digital oOh! screens in five environments – Retail, Rail, Fly, Office, and Study. Marking the first time that any advertiser has delivered a mass reach, scalable 3D OOH campaign anywhere in Australia, the campaign utilised those technologies to drive creative impact, higher engagement, brand reputation and consideration.
“We’re thrilled to see ANZ leverage our national network of 3D-enabled digital screens to make this campaign fly. ANZ’s innovative approach showcases the full creative potential of 3D digital OOH at scale, driving brand fame by engaging audiences across our network.”
Chris Freel, Group Sales Director
Alongside Qantas Frequent Flyer, and Subway, ANZ signed as a principal sponsor of oOh!media’s expanded Out of Home coverage of the Australian Open. Blending their Falcon creative with Australian Open visuals and live tournament updates, ANZ showcased contextually relevant commercial messaging while providing genuine utility to tennis fans.
The latest iteration of the ANZ Falcon® campaign blended the physical and the digital to transform OOH into a dynamic and engaging platform to deliver an interactive and personalised experience. At the heart was interactivity, whereby users scanned a QR code on selected digital panels across oOh!’s Retail, Street and Rail network, and created their personal falcon via the ANZ Falcon®Lens. Using AI technology, the selfie transformed into a unique, personal falcon and automatically displayed on the screen in the next display loop, creating a direct and personalised connection with the user and the campaign in real time.
“We’re excited to bring ANZ Falcon® to life in such an innovative way in Out of Home. By combining technology and creativity, we’re connecting with audiences on a personal level, while reinforcing ANZ’s fraud detection and prevention technology.”
Sian Chadwick, General Manager, Marketing, Australia, ANZ
ANZ and POLY partnered with creative agency Special, media agency PHD and T&DA, ANZ’s development team, to conceptualise this technology-driven campaign.
“This activation pushes the limits of OOH by fostering interactivity to amplify mobile-centric concepts at scale. ANZ’s decision to collaborate with oOh! further highlights OOH as a transformative and innovative medium that drives brand fame and audience engagement, as well as speaks to the power of our enduring partnership.”
Josh Gurgiel, Head of POLY