Home News Industry Profile: Danielle Farrelly at oOh!media

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Industry Profile: Danielle Farrelly at oOh!media

Headshot of Danielle Farrelly

As originally published in AdNews.

Name: Danielle Farrelly

Job title: Head of Product – oOh!media

Time in current role/time at the company: A little more than 9 years at oOh!media (veteran!), 3-months in this role.

How would you describe what the company does?

We are the brand behind the brand! We exist to make public spaces better through community infrastructure and public service messaging and of course we make brands unmissable!

What do you do day-to-day?

WOW, big question! I lead a team of product experts, with brilliant minds. We are responsible for delivering best-in-class customer focused solutions and strategy. The day-to-day is multi-faceted which is what I love. From in market presentations, to developing strategy to working on new tenders or launching a new network, it’s exciting!

Define your job in one word:


I got into the media industry because:

Like most in media, I knew someone who knew someone. My mother worked in Advertising and my father in sales, so media sales seemed like the ultimate combination of both. I was correct!

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role?

Changing the way our customers engage oOh! to execute campaigns. OOH has traditionally been bought based on format or location, however the rise in data and audience targeting coupled with oOh!’s scale means we can deliver an entire consumer journey. Day-to-day my challenge is changing perceptions from thinking environment to thinking audience and objective first.

What’s the biggest industry-wide challenge you’d like to see tackled?

Commoditization of OOH formats. OOH is unique, our network is comprised of iconic assets, scale to deliver mass audience reach and high value environments. Let’s get back to valuing these metrics and measure what matters.

What are you most excited about in the next 12 months?

At oOh!, we have been on a contract winning streak! I am excited to see Sydney Metro Trains, Martin Place Retail precinct and Woollahra continue to imbed themselves as ‘must haves’ in all OOH campaigns, only to be further strengthened by our most recent win in Melbourne Metro Trains, which will launch in 2025.

Who has been a great mentor to you and why?

I have always been a believer in diverse mentors, with a tenure of over 9 years, safe to say, I have had many as I have grown. Two previous mentors taught me the value of hard work, being your authentic self and enjoying the journey! My advice would be to find mentors you trust, are honest & above all else, believe in you!

Words of advice for someone wanting a job like yours?

Be passionate, seize opportunities, back yourself and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

If I wasn’t doing this for a living, I’d be:

As a kid, I always wanted to be the CEO of Nike… maybe one day I will ‘Just do it’.

My mantra is:

Keep moving forward

My favourite advert is (and why):

A throw back for the Millennials out there… ‘Not Happy Jan’… iconic ad from the Yellow Pages. For the Gen Z’s, that was the hard copy of the contact list in your phone essentially.

In OOH, Uber Eats continues to utilise our formats well. OOH creative needs to consider the audience consumption. Uber Eats are a favourite due to their short copy on drive by formats, bright and distinguished green, and impact executions such as giant Uber Eats bags in the iconic Flinders Street Station!

Music and TV streaming habits: what do you subscribe to?

Season 4 of Emily in Paris is a recent binge watch! However, my go to is a true crime documentary! Feel free to send recommendations my way.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you? 

I was a diver as a child, holding the state record in South Australia for the three-metre springboard, pin drop is my one and only claim to fame.

In five years’ time I’ll be:

With the pace of change in this industry, who knows! I hope the OOH growth trajectory continues to accelerate, while personally, I hope I grow into a great leader and mentor for those around me.

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