Mercedes target Regional Australians with Out of Home

Mercedes Targeting Regional Audiences with Out of Home

Pandemic reassessment identifies Regional audiences

The pandemic caused wide reassessment of working practices with many people electing to move out of the cities and into the regions. Mercedes were tuned in to how their target audience were adapting, and had observed the c-suite becoming increasingly regional based. They also saw a first-mover advantage of building brand with an affluent audience who have low costs and high disposable income.


oOh!media used audience and location data sets to identify key regional centres which over-indexed in the target audience, including Newcastle, Geelong, Darwin, Gold Coast and Cairns. We then identified premium digital Billboards which would not only reach the audience but enable Mercedes to demonstrate the C Class beautifully.

To find out more about the opportunity with regional audiences, reach out to your oOh! sales rep.

Learn more about how auto brands use Out of Home.

You can also learn more about the 9.1 million Aussies living in regional Australia by taking a visit to Boomtown.

More from oOh! News.